Press Release

Silfab Plant causes serious safety concerns for Fort Mill residents, 

and should not be permitted under York County’s “LI” or “Light Industrial” Zoning

FORT MILL, South Carolina – Aug. 26, 2024 – The Evangeline Hundley for Congress campaign has recently been made aware of the many issues our constituents have with the Silfab Solar plant including the safety of the plant as well as the way in which the approval process has been handled.

First, as a progressive candidate, Evangeline Hundley stands for clean energy like solar and she is in favor of more green jobs. 

“But I also stand for the health of my community, and for due process and ethical practices by our government at all levels, local, state, and federal.” Hundley said. “And I see huge issues on both of those counts.”

The property that Silfab is leasing is located at 7149 Logistics Lane in Fort Mill, SC, in an area zoned “LI” or “Light Industrial. According to the York County Zoning Law: “INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT. The assembly, fabrication, or processing of goods and materials by means that ordinarily do not create noise, smoke, fumes, odors, glare, or health or safety hazards outside of the building or lot where the assembly, fabrication, or processing takes place; where the processing is housed entirely within a building. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL does not include hazardous material treatment and storage facilities, plating or enameling, or petroleum and gas refining.”

Documents from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment Control reference safety measures for hazardous chemicals like silane and hydrofluoric acid that will be on site and create significant health and safety hazards. This is especially frightening for those living within the one mile evacuation zone. The Evangeline Hundley for Congress campaign is firm in saying these chemicals should not be in an area zoned light industrial in such a heavily populated area in which, according to the affected residents, “six schools are located.” 

“Quite simply, current zoning does not allow for such a use case,” Hundley said. “As a builder and former member and chair of a planning and zoning commission, I am very familiar with zoning law and rezoning practices and appeals. Knowing that on May 9th, the York County’s Board of Zoning Appeals ruled that ‘solar panel manufacturing cannot take place in a light industrial zoned area,’ it would seem that the issue of these toxic chemicals being located in such a heavily residential area zoned light industrial would be over. I struggle with the reasoning that the county officials are using to ignore that decision, as I know many of you do, too.”

Hundley further questions York County’s statement that says, in part, “Those developments can’t be jeopardized by later requests for zoning interpretations from opponents of those projects.” 

“Like many of you, I am curious then what a Board of Zoning Appeals decision is for, exactly?” she asked.

Issues just like this are what led Hundley to run for U.S. Congress to represent the S.C. Congressional District 5, a seat currently held by Ralph Norman.

Hundley will attend a town hall event being held by Norman on Tuesday, Aug. 27, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Catawba Ridge High School in Fort Mill during which a panel of experts from state agencies will be answering questions submitted ahead of time by constituents. 

Many area residents have expressed concerns about the format and authenticity of the event. Hundley questions whether this forum will simply be an exercise to feign interest without really listening to his constituents.

“I know that many of you have been fighting this battle for many months now, and I know that you are not done fighting,” Hundley said to the area residents. “I applaud you for your continued focus and tenacity. This is how change happens. We cannot sit idly by when we see wrongdoings, and that is exactly why I am running for U.S. Congress to represent all of you in S.C. Congressional District 5. Like many of you, I feel that we are not being heard by our elected officials. I know you need someone to hear you and fight alongside you. I want to hear from you and fight for you.”

Hundley encourages constituents affected by the Silfab decision to reach out to her campaign at or via her social media at or

To learn more about Hundley on the issues, visit Hundley has her campaign headquarters at 1045 Oakland Ave., Rock Hill, SC, 29732. 

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