From my work in the construction industry, I have witnessed first-hand how the immigrants I worked with made invaluable contributions to our workforce, economy, and society. Today, Congress should be more concerned about comprehensive immigration reform instead of shutting down the border. Undocumented immigrants work here, pay taxes, and contribute to our robust economy – sharing all the responsibilities of an American citizen without receiving the privilege to be one.
To address the inefficiencies and problems in our immigration system, I support 5 main steps to streamline the process for citizenship while maintaining national security and border control:
Clear Path to Citizenship
Support for DACA Recipients
Protecting Children and Families
Expanding Asylum Protections
Border Control
Many of the aforementioned actions were outlined in the bipartisan senate border bill. However, due to the inaction of our Republican representatives in the US House and their refusal to put it to a vote, it never saw the light of day. Leadership matters. It’s time to make a vote for progress.
Paid for by Evangeline Hundley for Congress
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