Meet the Candidates event in Lancaster

Mt Zion AME Zion Church 4336 Mt Carmel Rd, Lancaster, SC

From the event website: Meet the Candidates event This will be a voter registration event as well as a candidate meet and greet. The following candidates have been invited to speak: Nicole Ventour, SC House District #45, Yokima Cureton, SC Senate District #27, Evangeline Hundley, SC Congressional District #5. The Meeting will take place […]

UCDP GOTV Chucks & Pearls

Veteran's Memorial Park 322 Veteran's Drive, Union, SC

The Union County Democratic Party is holding a Get Out The Vote Chucks and Pearls event on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024,  from 4 to 8 p.m. with an early drop in from 1 to 4 p.m. This event is held at the Veteran's Memorial Park at 322 Veterans Drive, Union, SC 29379. Door prize and […]

Heath Springs Forum

United Citizen Community Center 672 Hart St., Heath Springs, SC

From the event listing: About this event Join us at the United Citizens Community Center for refreshments as our Candidates including Evangeline Hundley for Congress discuss the issues and answer questions concerning Heath Springs. The Following Candidates have been invited to speak: Nicole Ventour, SC House District #45, Yokima Cureton, SC Senate District #27, Evangeline […]

Civic Saturday

Evangeline Hundley for Congress Headquarters 1045 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC, United States

Join us for our first Civic Saturday event at the Evangeline Hundley for Congress Headquarters. Enjoy a fun-filled day of food, music, games, and vital voter registration! Let's celebrate our community and make a difference together. Volunteer Opportunities: Help make Civic Saturdays a success by joining our team. Roles include setup, voter registration support, and […]

Concerned Citizens of Kershaw Community Day

African American Cultural Center 517 York Street, Camden, SC

A community day at the African American Cultural Center, 517 York Street, Camden, SC. Speakers, music, story telling, kid zone, games, presentations. Food and beverages available for purchase. Free and open to the public in partnership with the Concerned Citizens of Kershaw County.

Before You Vote – 2024 Candidates Forum: Lancaster

USCL Bundy Auditorium 476 Hubbard Dr, Lancaster, SC

The Lancaster County Chamber of Commerce and The Lancaster News are thrilled to host two upcoming Candidate Forums, designed to provide candidates running for various local, state, and federal offices the opportunity to highlight their platforms. These forums will feature a diverse group of candidates, providing voters a valuable opportunity to hear directly from those seeking office. The Lancaster […]

Civic Saturday

Evangeline Hundley for Congress Headquarters 1045 Oakland Avenue, Rock Hill, SC, United States

Join us for our Civic Saturday event at the Evangeline Hundley for Congress Headquarters. Enjoy a fun-filled day of food, music, games, and vital voter registration! Let's celebrate our community and make a difference together. Volunteer Opportunities: Help make Civic Saturdays a success by joining our team. Roles include setup, voter registration support, and game […]

Meet the Candidates Forum

R. Carlisle Roddey Government Building 1476 JA Cochran Bypass, Chester, SC

The Chester (SC) Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, a public service organization that has been serving the Chester Community since 1982, will be presenting a “Meet the Candidates Forum” on Saturday, September, 28, 2024, at 12 noon, at the R. Carlisle Roddey Government Building, 1476 JA Cochran Bypass, Chester, S. C. in the […]

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