Money has no place in the decisions of our elected officials. Yet, in Congress today, corporations can give unlimited money to campaigns, allowing companies to pay unethical lawmakers to vote for policies that benefit corporations and harm the constituents who elected them. Big Oil, Big Tech, and Big Pharma have done more harm to this money than good. It is absolutely imperative for us to get this corrupted money out of politics and end the corruption in Washington.
We deserve more from our elected officials – from our representatives. This is why I will be a vote for strength and for opportunity.
I recognize the dark money in Congress and in our elections. I understand that super PACs (political action committees) spent over $1.3 billion in campaigns, but it’s difficult and unclear to pin the source of this money. This is not how it should be. Americans’ voices should be heard, dark money and big corporations have noo place in our democracy.
I will be a seat in Congress to bring light to this problem and work tirelessly to reform misguided campaign laws, forcing our government to reduce the role of money in our elections. A vote for me is a vote to create policy that benefits the American people, not the big corporations that have benefitted too long from corrupt politicians.
Paid for by Evangeline Hundley for Congress
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